The Full Story
Our Mission
Our Goal: to support women as they minister across the state of Texas
Our Vision: women having full and equal access to all areas of Baptist ministry
Our Commitment: to walk hand in hand with women as they say yes to the call of God upon their lives
We hope to inspire women to pursue whatever dream God has placed on their lives. We work with seminaries and divinity schools to help female students know about all of the ministry opportunities that are available to them in Texas. Together, we pray that the Spirit will inspire each of us to follow wherever God is calling us.

Today, there are Texas Baptist women serving as pastors, chaplains, college and seminary professors, missionaries, non-profit leaders, children’s ministers, youth ministers, college ministers, and much more. We affirm the many ways in which God has equally gifted and called both women and men to the gospel ministry, and we celebrate together what God is doing in and through them! We hope to be a source of encouragement to women in ministry as they follow God’s call.
Through hosting conferences, retreats, and regional gatherings, we create spaces for women in ministry to connect with one another in meaningful ways. We hope that the relationships formed within our body will be life-giving sources of wisdom, support, and encouragement as we journey together.

We are grateful for the many ways in which women in Texas are already serving in ministry. However, we also recognize that there is more work to be done. We advocate for women in ministry in order to create even more spaces in Baptist churches and organizations for women to fully live out God’s calling on their lives.